Easter 2019
The week before He was crucified, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the Servant King, and when He returns to earth the next time it will be as the Almighty, Reigning King. The next two weeks (Palm and Easter Sundays), join us as we study God’s word to find out more about what these events mean for us and for our world. The Gospel message will be presented with clarity, hope, and joy. It will be a great opportunity to invite a friend or loved one who doesn’t yet know Jesus as Savior and King.
Cold, hot. Hunger, satiation. Loneliness, friendship. Darkness, light. Our experience of things is often more vivid when we’ve experienced their opposite.
The same is true of Easter. At Easter we celebrate Jesus’ victory over death and sin by God’s power. This can be even more meaningful, however, if we stop and consider what it cost our Father in heaven and His Son.
On Friday, April 19th at 7:00 p.m. join us for our Good Friday Service of Remembrance. Communion will be served. The light of Easter will shine brighter because we’ve remembered and experienced the darkness that made it all possible.
EASTER SUNDAY BRUNCH – Sunday, April 21st
Please come and join us on Easter Sunday morning before the morning worship hour for Easter Sunday Brunch at 9:30 a.m. There will be no Adult Bible Fellowship classes, or children’s classes on this Sunday.