What is Alabaster Offering? The Alabaster Offerings are monetary donations that go directly to the construction of ministry facilities across the globe – such as hospitals, schools, orphanages, and churches.
100% is used for these building projects. The existing missions structure allows for 100% to be used in the projects that are started by missionaries and by local church congregations.
Sunday, March 15th will be our Alabaster Sunday collection day. If you already have your small Alabaster box, start collecting all that extra change now. If you don’t have your small Alabaster box, there will be a couple ways this year to collect. One is there will be some extra boxes in the Foyer area in the coming weeks you can grab to collect your change, or you can purchase a M&M mini’s from the Mission’s Team for just a $1 and then once the canister is empty you can collect your loose change in that as well to bring in for the Sunday, March 15th collect march. Plus, when you buy an M&M’s mini you donate to Alabaster Offering then